40,039 research outputs found

    Behavior of the generalized Rosenblatt process at extreme critical exponent values

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    The generalized Rosenblatt process is obtained by replacing the single critical exponent characterizing the Rosenblatt process by two different exponents living in the interior of a triangular region. What happens to that generalized Rosenblatt process as these critical exponents approach the boundaries of the triangle? We show by two different methods that on each of the two symmetric boundaries, the limit is non-Gaussian. On the third boundary, the limit is Brownian motion. The rates of convergence to these boundaries are also given. The situation is particularly delicate as one approaches the corners of the triangle, because the limit process will depend on how these corners are approached. All limits are in the sense of weak convergence in C[0,1]. These limits cannot be strengthened to convergence in L2(Ω).Supported in part by NSF Grants DMS-10-07616 and DMS-13-09009 at Boston University. (DMS-10-07616 - NSF at Boston University; DMS-13-09009 - NSF at Boston University)Accepted manuscrip

    The universality of homogeneous polynomial forms and critical limits

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    Nourdin et al. [9] established the following universality result: if a sequence of off-diagonal homogeneous polynomial forms in i.i.d. standard normal random variables converges in distribution to a normal, then the convergence also holds if one replaces these i.i.d. standard normal random variables in the polynomial forms by any independent standardized random variables with uniformly bounded third absolute moment. The result, which was stated for polynomial forms with a finite number of terms, can be extended to allow an infinite number of terms in the polynomial forms. Based on a contraction criterion derived from this extended universality result, we prove a central limit theorem for a strongly dependent nonlinear processes, whose memory parameter lies at the boundary between short and long memory.Comment: 13 pages; to appear in Journal of Theoretical Probabilit

    Behavior of the generalized Rosenblatt process at extreme critical exponent values

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    The generalized Rosenblatt process is obtained by replacing the single critical exponent characterizing the Rosenblatt process by two different exponents living in the interior of a triangular region. What happens to that generalized Rosenblatt process as these critical exponents approach the boundaries of the triangle? We show by two different methods that on each of the two symmetric boundaries, the limit is non-Gaussian. On the third boundary, the limit is Brownian motion. The rates of convergence to these boundaries are also given. The situation is particularly delicate as one approaches the corners of the triangle, because the limit process will depend on how these corners are approached. All limits are in the sense of weak convergence in C[0,1]. These limits cannot be strengthened to convergence in L2(Ω).Supported in part by NSF Grants DMS-10-07616 and DMS-13-09009 at Boston University. (DMS-10-07616 - NSF at Boston University; DMS-13-09009 - NSF at Boston University)Accepted manuscrip

    Multivariate limit theorems in the context of long-range dependence

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    We study the limit law of a vector made up of normalized sums of functions of long-range dependent stationary Gaussian series. Depending on the memory parameter of the Gaussian series and on the Hermite ranks of the functions, the resulting limit law may be (a) a multivariate Gaussian process involving dependent Brownian motion marginals, or (b) a multivariate process involving dependent Hermite processes as marginals, or (c) a combination. We treat cases (a), (b) in general and case (c) when the Hermite components involve ranks 1 and 2. We include a conjecture about case (c) when the Hermite ranks are arbitrary

    Short-range dependent processes subordinated to the Gaussian may not be strong mixing

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    There are all kinds of weak dependence. For example, strong mixing. Short-range dependence (SRD) is also a form of weak dependence. It occurs in the context of processes that are subordinated to the Gaussian. Is a SRD process strong mixing if the underlying Gaussian process is long-range dependent? We show that this is not necessarily the case.Comment: 3 page

    Hermite rank, power rank and the generalized Weierstrass transform

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    Using the theory of generalized Weierstrass transform, we show that the Hermite rank is identical to the power rank in the Gaussian case, and that an Hermite rank higher than one is unstable with respect to a level shift.Accepted manuscrip

    Structure of the third moment of the generalized Rosenblatt distribution

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    The Rosenblatt distribution appears as limit in non-central limit theorems. The generalized Rosenblatt distribution is obtained by allowing different power exponents in the kernel that defines the usual Rosenblatt distribution. We derive an explicit formula for its third moment, correcting the one in \citet{maejima:tudor:2012:selfsimilar} and \citet{tudor:2013:analysis}. Evaluating this formula numerically, we are able to confirm that the class of generalized Hermite processes is strictly richer than the class of Hermite processes

    Generalized Hermite processes, discrete chaos and limit theorems

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    We introduce a broad class of self-similar processes {Z(t),t≥0}\{Z(t),t\ge 0\} called generalized Hermite process. They have stationary increments, are defined on a Wiener chaos with Hurst index H∈(1/2,1)H\in (1/2,1), and include Hermite processes as a special case. They are defined through a homogeneous kernel gg, called "generalized Hermite kernel", which replaces the product of power functions in the definition of Hermite processes. The generalized Hermite kernels gg can also be used to generate long-range dependent stationary sequences forming a discrete chaos process {X(n)}\{X(n)\}. In addition, we consider a fractionally-filtered version Zβ(t)Z^\beta(t) of Z(t)Z(t), which allows H∈(0,1/2)H\in (0,1/2). Corresponding non-central limit theorems are established. We also give a multivariate limit theorem which mixes central and non-central limit theorems.Comment: Corrected some error

    Sensivity of the Hermite rank

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    The Hermite rank appears in limit theorems involving long memory. We show that an Hermite rank higher than one is unstable when the data is slightly perturbed by transformations such as shift and scaling. We carry out a "near higher order rank analysis" to illustrate how the limit theorems are affected by a shift perturbation that is decreasing in size. As a byproduct of our analysis, we also prove the coincidence of the Hermite rank and the power rank in the Gaussian context. The paper is a technical companion of \citet{bai:taqqu:2017:instability} which discusses the instability of the Hermite rank in the statistical context. (Older title "Some properties of the Hermite rank">
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